Since I was young, I’ve always had quite the imagination. Whether it was playing dress up or creating a company named ‘Max’s Paper Products’ (named after our family dog of course) and making my friend an employee while we crafted stationery. I remain an avid daydreamer. Ever the people watcher, regularly getting lost in the action around me, a constant reminder to me of sonder. 


I started blogging back in 2013 when I moved to San Francisco from Pennsylvania after completing my MBA. I found writing to be cathartic and a release. I did not keep up with it. Over the years I’ve started and stopped the vision for this space, as I balance my full-time job in HR at Google


I find inspiration from my surroundings, artists, writers and fellow bloggers. I gain so much refreshed perspective and appreciation of life from their creations. This space is the realization of that inspiration, a creative outlet – capturing my curiosities, thoughts, passions and varied interests. Sharing the noteworthy parts of life, as well as the everyday. My interests, style & tastes have evolved over the years – and continue to – I’ve enjoyed learning who I am and this space is a reflection of my discoveries.


After living in California for 8 years, in 2021 my fiancé and I moved to the Chicago suburbs while he completed his MBA program there, then in 2022 we moved to NYC. After spending an action-packed year in NYC, work brought us back to the Bay Area this past June. We married this September in Italy. Two years away from San Francisco gave me a renewed love for this city, and a refreshed outlook on the beauty here and all that this place has to offer. Living in each of these diverse and unique cities has altered my outlook. I feel deeply appreciative of the experiences they have offered to me. 


Change is the only constant in life, and I’m energized and optimistic about navigating whatever chapter comes next. 


I’m grateful you’re here.